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Kom hurtigt og effektivt i gang med at lære tekstbehandling i WordFormålet med materialet er at gøre dig i stand til problemfrit at anvende Words... Læs mere
LaTeX er et gratis tekstformateringsprogram som anvendes overalt i den akademiske verden til at lave og dele rapporter, bøger og andre formeltunge tekster.Programmet er fremragende... Læs mere
I GURUBOGEN har 100 af verdens førende iværksættere og ledere ordet. De skriver jordnært og uhøjtideligt om innovation,... Læs mere
Nyheder i Microsoft Office 2007Formålet med dette introduktionskursus er at gøre dig i stand til at anvende de... Læs mere
Helps to master the fundamentals of medical transcription and meet the challenges of the evolving medical transcription field.
A shortand outline for many words in the English language. This title contains 26,098 words most commonly used in notation with their official shorthand outlines. It... Læs mere
Whether it's writing a proposal, motivating employees, or reaching out to customers, this title offers the tools you need for effective communication. It provides:... Læs mere
An examination of the relationship between written communication in academic and workplace contexts. Written for writing researchers, teachers, program designers, and others concerned with writing in academic and business arenas.
Secretarial Duties is a comprehensive, combined textbook and workbook for Secretaries and those employed in a similar capacity in administration.