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Social Progress in Britain investigates how much progress Britain has made in tackling the challenges of material deprivation, ill-health, educational standards, lack of housing, and unemployment in the decades since the Beverage Report was published.
Originally published in 1994 The Politics of the Welfare State looks at how the privatization and marketization of education, health and welfare services in the past... Læs mere
This book traces the cause of poverty to a widely accepted social institution, just as slavery once was, and reveals a way in which this defect could be remedied by introducing a more efficient way of funding government.
Offers new policies in technology, employment, social security, capital sharing, and taxation that intend to narrow the income gap, defending them against the common arguments and excuses for inaction.
This edited volume provides a synthesis on the question of business attitudes towards and its influence over the development of the... Læs mere
Originally published in 1973, Social Security and Society examines of the dominant forces that form the British social security system and argues that social security provision is not the result of concern felt by the dominant groups in society.
Drumbl analyzes the effectiveness of the earned income tax credit (EITC) in the United States and offers suggestions for how it can be improved. This... Læs mere
The term 'social security' has a very different meaning in underdeveloped countries and is best understood as poverty alleviation. This work seeks to define social security in its various forms and to examine what sort of programmes are most suitable for developing countries.
This Oxford Handbook explores the various ways ethics can, does, and should inform economic theory and practice. With esteemed contributors from economics and... Læs mere
The sixth edition of this successful textbook discusses the different parts of the welfare system and, in particular, cash benefits, the health service, and education.