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Recently divorced, Carrot needs a break. So when her Uncle Earl, owner of the eclectic Wonder Museum, asks her to stay with him, she says yes. Carrot stumbles into a horrifying world,... Læs mere
Frankenstein is a deeply disturbing story of a monstrous creation, which has terrified and chilled readers since its first publication in 1818.
The unforgettable debut thriller from Jason Rekulak with a twist you simply will not see coming... guaranteed to keep readers up at night.
As part of our exciting King reissue programme (2020-2024), we are relaunching his paperbacks with a stunning new cover look. IF IT BLEEDS is a captivating CRIME THRILLER.
Edgar Allan Poe is credited with having pioneered the short story, having perfected the tale of... Læs mere
Frankenstein. De fleste har hørt navnet, de færreste har læst bogen. Frankenstein genfortalt er Kenneth Bøgh Andersens version af Mary Shellys grufulde og tragiske fortælling... Læs mere
Broke young man + chainsaw demon = Chainsaw Man!
A New York Times, USA Today, Publishers Weekly, and Indie Bestseller. From Bill Watterson, bestselling creator of the beloved comic strip Calvin and Hobbes, and John Kascht, one of... Læs mere
Howard Philips Lovecraft (1890-1937) er amerikansk horrorlitteraturs største navn mellem Edgar Allan Poe og Stephen King. I sin levetid opnåede han kun... Læs mere
Howard Phillips Lovecraft (1890-1937) er amerikansk horrorlitteraturs største navn mellem Edgar Allan Poe og Stephen King. I sin levetid opnåede han kun meget... Læs mere
'THE STAND is a masterpiece' (Guardian). Set in a virus-decimated US, King's thrilling American fantasy epic, is a Classic.