Bøger af Michael McIntosh

Michael McIntosh Forfatter

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  • PRIS
    285,- kr
    Levering: Skaffevare (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)

    (Bog, Paperback / softback, Engelsk)

    This is Michael McIntosh's classic book on fine shotguns, the best and most comprehensive guide for those new to the world of fine guns, and a standard reference for everyone, in a fully revised and expanded form.

    285,- kr
    Levering: Skaffevare (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)
  • PRIS
    216,- kr
    Levering: Skaffevare (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)

    (Bog, Hardback, Engelsk)

    More Shotguns & Shooting is a continuation and expansion of the material in volume one. It includes further insights and stories about fine guns and how they're made, coupled with practical tips and advice for shotgunners.

    216,- kr
    Levering: Skaffevare (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)
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