Hojo undo means 'supplemental training equipment' for traditional martial artists. This book details how to construct and use many training... Læs mere
Muhammad Ali met George Foreman in the ring. Foreman's genius employed silence, serenity and cunning. He had never been defeated. His hands were his instrument, and 'he kept them in his... Læs mere
From Shaolin warrior monks to the movies of Bruce Lee, a new history of the evolution of East Asian styles of unarmed combat, from Kung Fu to Ninjutsu.
The principal pillars of Bushido--the Samurai warrior's code--are loyalty, filial piety, bravery and mercy. Tsunetomo Yamamoto, the author of the Hagakure, Hagakure Hagakure published to date.
Treasured for centuries by karate's top masters, the Bubishi is a classic Chinese work on philosophy, strategy, medicine, and technique as they relate to the martial arts.
De er politibetjente, og de kan karate!Mikkel Sommer har skabt tegneserien om KARATEPOLITIET sammen med sin otteårige datter Yuna.Medlemmerne af Karatepolitiet sørger for lov og orden. De... Læs mere
"Jodo Notebook" is a fully illustrated manual of the Basic techniques (Kihon) of Shindo Muso Ryu (SMR) and the Zen Nippon Kendo Renmei (ZNKR),and the 12 Kata... Læs mere
Miyamoto Musashi (1584-1645), en japansk ronin, en omvandrende kriger på samuraiernes tid, legendarisk kendt for sin uovervindelighed og for ”De fem ringes bog" om... Læs mere