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I artiklen "Om livet i al almindelighed. Den personlige blog mellem det private og det offentlige" undersøger Anne... Læs mere
What fresh perspectives can viewing copyright law through a humanities' looking glass bring to key notions of tomorrow's copyright law?
An introductory text on copyright law for editors, authors and publishers working with text and pictures, including guidance on economic rights for freelance writers, and how to manage content posted online.
The topic of chemical and biological patents is of special importance in European and German patent law. This publication provides an expert overview of the issues using German case law to illustrate the commentary.
This commentary is focussed on the procedure of the Unitary Patent Court covering infringement and defences, proceedings, provisions, powers of the court, appeals, decisions and implementation and operation of agreements.
This work analyses the scope of copyright protection for computer software in the United Kingdom,and examines challenges for the future.
In this book lawyer and economist Thorsten Käseberg looks at how 'cumulative innovation' is actually accounted for under IP and antitrust laws in the EU and the US, and how it could alternatively be dealt with.
This book considers suitable rules to regulate overlaps and avoid regime conflicts and undue unstructured expansion of Intellectual Property Rights.