Bayesian methods have emerged as the driving force for methodological development in drug development. This edited book provides broad coverage of Bayesian... Læs mere
Unique among medical texts, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a complete and concise guide to the core areas of medicine that also encourages thinking about the world from the patient's perspective, offering a holistic, patient-centred approach.
Denne bog kan hjælpe dig med at navigere i det forvirrende og ofte modstridende hav af oplysninger om vacciner. Der er mange fejlagtige oplysninger på internettet,... Læs mere
BOGEN OM HISTORIENS MEST SMITSOMME DRÆBERE Pest, kobber, tuberkulose, kolera, gul feber, den spanske syge, polio, plettyfus, malaria og aids. De ti mest betydningsfulde... Læs mere
Primarily aimed at medical researchers, this book aims to provide an understanding of the basic principles that underlie research design, data analysis and the interpretation of results, and to enable the reader to carry out a wide range of statistical analyses.
A rallying cry for a new form of global solidarity in the wake of the Covid-19 epidemic. Written from the Italian lockdown. 'Reinforced my sense of hope in humanity' Philippe Sands, bestselling author of EAST WEST STREET
A truly definitive work, this magisterial study draws on the latest evidence from across Europe to show in exhaustive detail the nature of the disease, its origin, spread, mortality, and its profound impact on history.
This book delivers a sophisticated package of statistical methods for advanced master's (MPH) and PhD students in public health and epidemiology, involved in data analysis.
Computing power has revolutionized the theory and practice of statistical inference. This book delivers a concentrated course in... Læs mere
Core Statistics is a compact starter course on the fundamentals of inference for parametric statistical models, including both theory and practical numerical computation. It delivers the... Læs mere
This book brings a new perspective to psychological hedonism as a fundamental theory of human behavior based on ideas grounded in affective... Læs mere