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At være førstehjælpsinstruktør er et multidisciplinært "håndværk", som inddrager viden inden for mange forskellige fagområder – blandt andre pædagogik, didaktik, planlægning,... Læs mere
Hvad får ganske almindelige mennesker til at sætte livet på spil for at redde andre? Hverdagens helte og... Læs mere
First Aid for Sport: A Kit Bag Guide is a practical, quick-reference guide to dealing with first aid in sports situations. Spiral-bound, durable and weather-resistant,... Læs mere
Written by leading academics, this text is a practical and authoritative resource designed to educate the next generation of nurses and equip them with... Læs mere
This book highlights the importance of the practice educator (PEd) role in supporting and assessing the learner during their practice-based education.
Designed to offer essential information on-the-spot, this title reflects the 2010 emergency cardiovascular care guidelines. It contains a broad range of topics pertaining to... Læs mere
Helps you to learn 3-lead ECG interpretation. This title helps you to understand the entire ECG process - from finding a heartbeat, to monitoring an electrocardiogram, to interpreting the heart rhythm.
Presents often complex information is a way that's easy to understand and easy to follow, emphasizing the relevance of the drug information to your work as a paramedic as well as the calculations required to safely administer the correct drug dosages.
Provides a historical account of the development of resuscitation techniques by medical figures. This book describes the individual characters, relationships, multiple talents, illegal behaviour of the medical figures who developed these techniques.