Make adorable Kawaii style erasers!Make your own cute erasers with 8 different colours of bright eraserclay.
Make cute and trendy beaded creations!
An art class in a box!Learn techniques of a professional painter - like colour mixing,layering and adding shadows to apply to a partially coloured page!
Design & Build a Chain Reactions MachineFollowing on from Lego Chain Reactions, children can build a 1.5feet tall chipboard gravity drop tower, with 168 lego bricks!
Express and explore feelings with this artsy activity book!
Make Your Own Puffy Pokémon Stickers!Stickers are even better when they're squishy!
Make a cute mini market with papercraft grocery packages.
Use glitter jelly paint to trace sticker designs from frogs to flowersto flamingos and more!
Make it cute and small with shrink art!Colour, and shrink adorablekawaii-style creations.
Create up to 12 adorable animal friends with this kid-friendly knittingloom kit!
Create 18 sun catchers for your window featuring some of your favouritedragons from the Wings of Fire series!
A Klutz classic! For generations, the editors at Klutz have shownfolks the easiest way ever to face paint.