World, The, A Travellers Guide to the Planet (Bog, Indbundet, Engelsk) af Lonely Planet

World, The, A Travellers Guide to the Planet (Bog, Indbundet, Engelsk)

Af: Lonely Planet

Forlag: Lonely Planet

  • Type: Bog
  • Format: Indbundet
  • Sprog: Engelsk Sprog: Engelsk
  • ISBN-13: 9781788687492
  • Udgave: 3. (12-11-2024)
  • Oplagsdato: 12-11-2024
  • Serie: Lonely Planet
  • Sideantal: 992
  • Indbinding: Indbundet

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  = Emner / kategorier
  = Sektioner / guides
  = Specialsider
  = Kampagner


Inside the new edition of The World:

Easy-to-navigate A-Z format provides a fascinating look at over 200 countries. Themed features spotlight the best wildlife, landscape, festival, foodie, beach, historical, and adventure experiences. Itineraries from 5 weeks to 3 months help travellers to plan ahead and explore a multitude of landscapes across the continents. Insightful summaries describe each destination's culture with details about the national flag, capital, population, size, and official languages. Expert insider knowledge throughout on when to go, seasonal weather charts, places to eat and drink, top experiences, getting around, and more. Includes preparation tips from the best clothes and gear for different climates, to local greetings, and book recommendations to inspire your journey. Beautiful photography and locator maps give a flavour of each place. Presented with a vibrant cover by Rui Ricardo with new internal layouts that include refreshed imagery and more.

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