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Der er få kvinder i IT-branchen – ikke mindst i “programmerende positioner”. Men faktisk var den første programmør en kvinde, og i mange tidligere rene "mandefag" kommer der flere og... Læs mere
This portable reference to PowerShell summarizes the command shell and scripting language, and provides a concise reference to the many... Læs mere
Learn to create Windows applications using Visual Basic/Studio Community. Code examples, screenshots, and step-by-step instructions illustrate each aspect of Visual Basic, so... Læs mere
This streamlined intro to Microsoft Power BI covers all the foundational aspects and features you need to go from "zero to hero" with data and visualizations.
Excel VBA in easy steps, 4thedition shows the reader how to record and edit macro procedures to manipulateExcel worksheet entries, and how to create their own macro programs in theVisual Basic Editor, all in easy steps. This 4th edition is updated for Microsoft 365.
Learn how to program, using Microsoft's Visual Basic.NET 2010. Written for those with little or no programming experience or no experience with... Læs mere
Learn how to program, using Microsoft's Visual Basic.NET 2010. Written for those with little or no programming experience or no experience with... Læs mere
This book explains how to develop professional and practical database programs in Visual Basic 2005 by using two methods: Visual Basic.NET 2005 Design... Læs mere
Learn how to build key aspects of web, cloud, and mobile solutions with F#. This book shows you how to handle concurrency, asynchrony, big data, and other server-side challenges by combining this language with different technologies and tools on the .NET Framework.