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FACTFULNESS handler om verden, og hvordan vi kan blive bedre til at forstå den, som den virkelig er. Når man stiller folk simple spørgsmål om... Læs mere
FACTFULNESS handler om verden, og hvordan vi kan blive bedre til at forstå den, som den virkelig er. Når man stiller folk simple spørgsmål om globale tendenser, giver de altid de forkerte... Læs mere
BIOSTATISTIK & EPIDEMIOLOGI Bag sundhedsvidenskabelige undersøgelser er indsamlet en lang række data. Det er en videnskabelig disciplin at gøre data overskuelige, håndtér-... Læs mere
Get going with tidymodels, a collection of R packages for modeling and machine learning. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience with modeling, this practical... Læs mere
This booklet is a handbook on statistical software, not on statistical theory and methodology as such. The focus is on how to create input for Excel s... Læs mere
I Word 2016 er det blevet meget nemmere at arbejde flere sammen om den samme tekst på samme tid, så alle kan se de andres rettelser live. Vi introducerer dig også for... Læs mere
A comprehensive overview of Bayesian approaches to phylogenetics using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, offering theoretical insight, pragmatic advice... Læs mere
Used either as a stand-alone resource or as an accompaniment to a statistics course, the book offers a smooth path to statistical analysis with SAS Enterprise... Læs mere
Used either as a stand-alone resource or as an accompaniment to a statistics course, the book offers a smooth path to statistical analysis with SAS Enterprise... Læs mere
This book is designed for the first time or occasional SAS user who needs immediate guidance in navigating, exploring, visualizing, cleaning and reporting on... Læs mere
This introduction is suitable for someone who has little or no background in Mathematica®, or who has some experience using other languages such as C, Java, or... Læs mere