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I serien Geologisk Set udkommer nu sidste bog, som handler om Sjælland og det sjællandske ørige. Bogens... Læs mere
The story of three 19th-century geologists whose fraternal rivalry ended up rewriting the history of our planet.
Geograf og botaniker Martin Vahl gennemgår planeten Jordens udviklingshistorie ved at gå i dybden med de sedimentlag, man finder i jordskorpen både under og... Læs mere
Spinster Mary Anning, uneducated and poor, was of the wrong sex, wrong class and wrong religion, but fate decreed that she was exactly the right person in the right place and time to pioneer the emerging science of palaeontology, the study of fossils.
Glenn Christian: NARREN — Med tegninger af Rolf Nowotny Glenn Christians nye digtsamling Narren er ikke fortsættelsen men prologen til hans forrige bog Taarn (Antipyrine, 2021). Den røde... Læs mere
‘Full of wonder and forensic intelligence’ Isabella Tree, author of Wilding A moving account of Madagascar told by a researcher who has spent over fifty years investigating the mysteries of this remarkable island.
This book provides a brief, accessible account of the major events in the history of geology over the last 200 years. It will appeal to students and researchers of Earth... Læs mere
This fourth volume of The Continental Drift Controversy explains the discoveries in the mid 1960s which led to the rapid acceptance of seafloor spreading theory and how... Læs mere
This book presents up-to-date research achievements from a region that displays unique interactions between the climate, the environment... Læs mere
This book documents the current state-of-the-art in volcanic and tectonic hazard assessment for proposed nuclear facilities. It describes... Læs mere
This second volume of The Continental Drift Controversy describes the growing paleomagnetic case for continental drift in the 1950s and the development of apparent polar... Læs mere