Praktisk fogedret giver en samlet fremstilling af den klassiske fogedret i lyset af de internationale regler. Bogen er tænkt som et opslagsværk for praktikere, der gerne... Læs mere
Hvem skal løfte bevisbyrden i en civil sag? I udgangspunktet er det den, der fremsætter krav, der har bevisbyrden - men der afviges ofte fra denne almindelige bevisbyrderegel. Bevisbyrden... Læs mere
This volume was developed as part of a cooperative project of the European Law Institute (ELI) and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), dealing with civil procedure law. The long-term project began in February 2014 and ended in February 2020.
I "Rätten till privatlivet" undersöker historikern Mattias Hessérus hur idén om en definierad och skyddad privatsfär i Sverige förändras... Læs mere
Legalitetsprinsippet har en selvsagt plass i juristens bevissthet. Prinsippet skal være skjoldet som verner borgerne... Læs mere
The Guidelines are designed to provide a clear and logical framework for the assessment of damages in personal injury cases. This... Læs mere
The Constitution: Major Cases and Conflicts provides students with a road map through the evolution of the Supreme Court and its decisions involving... Læs mere
Based on innovative recent empirical research, The Justice Crisis assesses what is and isn’t working in efforts to improve access to civil and family justice in Canada.
An exploration of the role of storytelling in community and nation building that disrupts the assumption in many works that indigenous and immigrant identities fall into two separate streams of analysis.
Hugh Collins examines whether the harmonisation of private law in the European Union would be a desirable development, arguing that a gradual movement towards... Læs mere
This book does what it 'says on the tin' - stating the corpus of tort law as a body of principles. Undertaken for the first time in English tort law, this book describes the law of tort concisely, accessibly, and accurately, and with both depth and detail.