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Having less is the secret to living more. Whether you've been dreaming about a treehouse in the wilderness of Montana, or a remote eco-cabin in Patagonia or Australia;... Læs mere
Sommerlandets arkitektur. Drømmen om det gode liv handler om sommerarkitekturens historie fra Frederik 2.s lille lystslot Lundehave ved Kronborg til... Læs mere
250.000 sommerhuse findes der i Danmark. Husene bliver flittigt brugt. Danskerne elsker deres tid i sommerhuset. Man finder ro i livet og kontrast til en travl hverdag ude i naturen–... Læs mere
Oppdag det skjulte Norge! Hemmelige hytter ligger gjemt i skoger og fjell over hele landet. Turfolk, jegere og fiskere, uteliggere og motstandsmenn har alle bygd... Læs mere
The eagerly anticipated follow-up to Cabin Porn reveals the breath-taking interiors of the best-loved homes featured on the blog over the last ten years - now a gorgeously compact... Læs mere
Cabin Porn began as an on-line project created by a group of friends to inspire their own home building. As they collected more photos, their site... Læs mere
A Small House is a tribute to the endless artistic inventiveness of architects and ingenuity of perception of the familiar and known concepts. It is also a conscious pivot towards... Læs mere
The idea of climbing a tree for shelter, or just to see the earth from another perspective, is as old as humanity. In this neat TASCHEN edition, take a tour of some of our finest... Læs mere