Pionerer & outsidere – Dansk elektronisk musik 1928-1980 er den samlede fortælling om den elektroniske musiks fremkomst og opblomstring i Danmark. Historien begynder med en række... Læs mere
Dive hands-on into the tools, techniques, and information for making your own analog synthesizer. If you're a musician or a hobbyist with experience in building electronic... Læs mere
Takket være fremsynethed og virkelyst hos Christian IV blev Danmark et af de lande uden for klokkespillenes fædrelande – Holland, Belgien og Nordfrankrig – der tidligst fik et... Læs mere
Innovations in music technology bring with them a new set of challenges for describing and understanding the electroacoustic repertoire. This... Læs mere
In Life and Death on the New York Dance Floor Tim Lawrence examines the city's party, dance, music, and art culture between 1980 and 1983, tracing the rise, apex, and fall of this inventive, vibrant, and tumultuous scene.
With over 50 lesson plans from music technology experts around the world, The Music Technology Cookbook offers a recipe for success in all aspects of music technology, from making beats and songwriting with DAWs to creating audio books and coding with programs like Minecraft.
In Fender Telecaster and Stratocaster, guitar historian Dave Hunter profiles these two beloved guitars’ conception, design,... Læs mere
Critical of technologically determinist assumptions underpinning current educational policy, the author argues that this growing technicism has grave implications for the music classroom where composition is often synonymous with the music technology suite.
Tracing the development of the Moog synthesizer from its conception to its stardom, from its contribution to the San Francisco psychedelic... Læs mere