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Harry Potter – Magi på pindene er den officielle Harry Potter-strikkebog med 28 autentiske strikkeprojekter baseret på de ikoniske film. Med strikkerens ultimative guide... Læs mere
A dark and beguiling tour through the streets of London – fictional and real – by a legend of modern fantasy
Diana Bishop journeys to the darkest places within herself - and her family history - in the highly anticipated fifth novel of the beloved number one Sunday Times bestselling All... Læs mere
Diana Bishop journeys to the darkest places within herself - and her family history - in the highly anticipated fifth novel of the beloved number one Sunday Times bestselling All... Læs mere
Mo and Meggie are trapped inside a story. If they make a nightmaredeal with death, will they finally escape?
Harry Potter: Magi på pindene 2 byder på endnu flere gengivelser af filmenes kostumer,flere fantastiske skabninger og flere magiske kuriositeter. Strik eksempelvis en... Læs mere
The first official book from TikTok and YouTube phenomenon, The Magic Man, Dan Rhodes.
Lix: 18 Humoristisk og spændende serie af Kirsten Ahlburg og Morten Ahlburg om en dreng, der i forbindelse med en ulykke får telepatiske evner, hvilket der kommer mange... Læs mere
When restless Dustfinger plunges back into _Inkheart_'s storybookworld, Meggie is soon pursuing him into a fresh tale of magic,rivalry and danger...
The ultimate book of magic for kids from a world-famous magician, complete with photographs for easy to follow instructions.
En introduktionsbog til gadetrylleri. For alle aldre.