Kære søsterSnart vil store skove igen vokse frem i os, tykke og sorte af næring. Tænk på dét.Tænk på at vi bliver den eneste lyd i verden.Din,A I Havbrevene skriver de to søstre Atlanterhavet... Læs mere
I Det arktiske hjemland rejser Michael Böss tusindvis af kilometer over det canadiske Arktis. Rejsen går fra vikingernes Newfoundland over Baffin Island og Nunavut til... Læs mere
A gripping tale of war at sea about how a game of battleships, and a group of exceptional young women, won the Second World War.
A profoundly moving, piercingly frank memoir of grief -- of learning to live with grief -- that begins in Sri Lanka on December 26, 2004, when the author lost her parents, her husband, and her two young sons in the tsunami she miraculously survived.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics.
A jigsaw with a twist: no two shapes are the same, and each piece is a beautiful undersea creature
Den gamle mand og havet er den klassiske fortælling om en gammel fisker, Santiago, der efter 84 døgns uheld atter forsøger sin lykke i Golfstrømmen, hvor de store fisk befinder... Læs mere
Loving someone, in a time of war and divided loyalties, can be the greatest risk of all.
On Desolation Island, with the known world out of reach, uneasy alliances are sometimes forged…