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Her er bogen, som giver læseren en omfattende og letlæselig hjælp og vejledning til... Læs mere
NY GRUNDBOG I CNS Centralnervesystemets anatomi er en ny lærebog i neuroanatomi. Ud over en indføring i fagets grundlæggende elementer er bogen forsynet med tekstbokse,... Læs mere
Helsefysik er målrettet uddannelsen af helseassistenter først på Risø og siden i Dansk Dekommissionering. Den benyttes også som en del af pensum i uddannelsen af helsefysikere i Dansk... Læs mere
Addressing key aspects of cancer research from an interdisciplinary perspective and presenting analytical, quantitative and computational models, this book is a pedagogical... Læs mere
Handbook of Urinary Stents has been written to provide urologists with a practical guide to the various new models for stenting. The book describes the various stents available; the criteria for their selection; their clinical application and potential complications of use.
A comprehensive, practical, and evidence-based guide to radiotherapy in the management of children and young people with cancer. It... Læs mere
Provides a set of data linking the operational quantities defined by ICRU with the dosimetric and... Læs mere
This is a practical guide to tomographic image reconstruction with projection data, with strong focus on Computed Tomography (CT) and... Læs mere
Traditionally, computer programming skills have rarely been emphasized during the education and training of medical physicists, meaning that many individuals enter the workplace without the ability to solve real-world clinical problems.
Exposed to ionizing radiation from medical imaging technology has increased dramatically in recent years, with annual X-ray and nuclear medicine studies... Læs mere