"Efter pausen var Birgitte den første, der spurgte: "Hvor stor er risikoen for, at der kan ske noget på et A-kraftværk, f.eks. Barsebäck?""Det er der ingen der ved," svarede Jørgen.... Læs mere
"Efter pausen var Birgitte den første, der spurgte: "Hvor stor er risikoen for, at der kan ske noget på et A-kraftværk, f.eks. Barsebäck?""Det er der ingen der ved," svarede Jørgen.... Læs mere
The physics of emission, absorption and interaction of light in astrophysics and in laboratory plasmas is developed from first principles... Læs mere
Using only the most straightforward and relevant mathematical tools, this textbook demonstrates how the tools of physical chemistry can be used to... Læs mere
More than ever before, radiation is a part of our modern daily lives. We own radiation-emitting phones, regularly get diagnostic x-rays, such as mammograms, and submit... Læs mere
Describes a revision of the model used in ICRP Publication 30 to calculate radiation doses to the respiratory tract of workers resulting from the intake of airborne radionuclides.
Collected in a handbook for the first time, the authors give a critical analysis of relevant data accumulated concerning the various elementary processes involved with the excitation and ionization of atmospheric gases
This book provides a complete summary of principles, instrumentation, methods, and clinical applications of 3D dosimetry in modern radiation therapy... Læs mere
This handbook presents the most current information on the effects of ionizing radiation on mammalian cells, with emphasis on human tissues
Presents a description of applications to electrical conductors, nonlinear optical devices, polymer light-omitting diodes (LEDs), electronic... Læs mere