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I denne let formidlede, præcise og humoristiske bog svarer den verdensberømte økonom Yanis Varoufakis på sin datter, Xenias,... Læs mere
Kompendiet udarbejdet med henblik på at blive anvendt som hjælperedskab på blandt andet HD-, HA-, Polit.- og Markedsføringsøkonomstudiet samt andre studier med et... Læs mere
The Commission was created by the UN in 1983 to formulate new proposals to deal with the important issues of environmental development facing the world. The Commission's findings are presented in this book.
Blake traces the administration of the tariff through Canadian history, and provides the first complete treatment of the subject and its significance for the country's commerce.
This book addresses the ongoing academic debate about what a 'firm' exactly is, and provides up-to-date... Læs mere
This book describes the institutional context that has thwarted the emergence of either a capable developmental or a neoliberal... Læs mere
Cooperative game theory deals with situations where objectives of participants of the game are partially cooperative and partially conflicting. Such situations are... Læs mere
David M. Levy and Sandra J. Peart show how setting economic policy goals and putting experts in charge of implementing them... Læs mere
A comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of the economic rationale behind the production, delivery and exchange of electricity. A must read for... Læs mere
New technology is revolutionizing broadcasting markets. Television, newspapers, telecoms and the internet... Læs mere
Essential Microeconomics is designed to help students deepen their understanding of the core theory of microeconomics. Unlike other texts, this book focuses on the most important... Læs mere