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I dag – godt 50 år efter vores indtræden i EU – er det muligt at vurdere, hvad medlemskabet har betydet for landbruget og de tilhørende sektorer. Denne bog viser... Læs mere
Flæskfødevarer skal ikke længere produceres for enhver pris. Produktionen skal bidrage til at løse klimakrisen, ikke forværre den, vende naturens nedtur til optur og... Læs mere
Dansk landbrug har gennem to årtier udviklet sig til et økonomisk såvel som moralsk fallitbo: Gælden er enorm, beskæftigelsen i bund og landbokulturen stort set udslettet. Trods... Læs mere
Har du overvejet at leje et værelse ud i dit hus? Eller at lease en fed bil? Ved du, hvad al virakken med taxaselskabet Uber egentlig handler om? Deleøkonomien er over os. Men hvordan... Læs mere
Provides for a new interpretation of the agrarian economy in late Tudor and early modern Britain.
An in-depth analysis of the politics and practice of food production and supply in Ethiopia, and their impact on the largely agricultural economy and farming populations, who represent nearly 80 per cent of the country's population.
This book examines evidence on the wealth of farming households, and concludes that in nearly all member states, they... Læs mere
While there are books that look at nutritional aspects and processing of millets, this title deals with value addition through the entire chain, from producer to consumer, and demonstrates a reliable model for millets development that can be adapted to other commodities.
This book adopts a methodical approach to provide a novel exploration of the effects of GM crops on global economy, as well as examining the links between GM and... Læs mere
This book examines the future of Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine (KRU region) in global agricultural markets. It... Læs mere