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#MeToo blev en af de mest spektakulære kulturbegivenheder i Vesten 2018, og en af de voldsomste, 50 år efter 1968. Det gælder også i de nordiske... Læs mere
A study of institutions, management, ethics and contemporary society.
Hvordan får vi bedst spredt forskningen fra universiteterne og ud i det danske samfund? Det har bilaget til “Hvidbog om dansk... Læs mere
Bogen er et register over 500 danske videnskabelige selskaber og 600 tidsskrifter. Den giver et statusbillede af forskningsformidlingen i... Læs mere
Den nye informationsteknologi giver store muligheder for at sprede videnskabelige resultater. Hvidbogen giver sit bud på, hvorledes det er muligt at øge danske forskeres synlighed. Den bygger på en skarp analyse af den aktuelle formidling.
A valuable interdisciplinary resource examining the concept and effectiveness of CSR as a tool for sustainable development in emerging markets.
In the early years of the twentieth century, Americans began to recognize adolescence as a developmental phase distinct from both... Læs mere
A narrative history of Franklin & Marshall College. Combines analysis of historical context and institutional development with accounts of the college during crucial periods such as the Civil War and the 1960s.
A narrative history of Franklin & Marshall College. Combines analysis of historical context and institutional development with accounts of the college during crucial periods such as the Civil War and the 1960s.
This is a brief and informal history of the Bristol University Law School during a critical period in its development from 1983-2008.
The design for Quest to Learn, an innovative school in New York City that offers a "game-like" approach to learning.
The lives of the outstanding scholars celebrated in the volume often reveal unexpected personal and professional backgrounds. Taken together they build up a picture of the development of Britain's intellectual life.