Bøger af Beverley Haun

Beverley Haun Forfatter

Format : Alle Sprog : Alle Type : Alle

Viser 1 - 2 af 2
  • PRIS
    904,- kr
    Status: Skaffevare (forvent 3 - 8 uger)

    Bemærk: Kan ikke garanteres før jul

    (Bog, Hardback, Engelsk)

    Richly illustrated and unique in its findings, Inventing 'Easter Island' will appeal to cultural theorists, anthropologists, educators, and anyone interested in the history of the South Pacific.

    904,- kr
    Status: Skaffevare (forvent 3 - 8 uger)
  • PRIS
    400,- kr
    Levering: Skaffevare (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)

    Bemærk: Kan ikke leveres før jul

    (Bog, Paperback / softback, Engelsk)

    Richly illustrated and unique in its findings, Inventing 'Easter Island' will appeal to cultural theorists, anthropologists, educators, and anyone interested in the history of the South Pacific.

    400,- kr
    Levering: Skaffevare (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)
Viser 1 - 2 af 2