PUTTE EN DAG ud i skoven drog i højt humør og med kurve to: en fødselsdagsgave mor skulle få. En kurv fuld af blåbær så smukke og tyttebær ville han plukke. Var de mon til at få øje på? ELSA BESKOWS historie Putte i Blåbærskoven udkom første gang i 1901.
A spacious month-to-view wall calendar, beautifully illustrated with seasonal, vintage artwork from Elsa Beskow's books. With eco-friendly printing and packaging.
SÅ SKER DET endelig en dag, at vintren er forbi, og anemonen titter op fra sit vinterhi. For sneen smelter, snart blir dagen lys og lang, og hele skoven vågner og synger forårssang. ELSA BESKOWS historie De små skovnisser udkom første gang i 1910.
EN DAG DA elverpigen var på opdagelse i skoven, fik hun øje på noget stort, gult og rundt, som lå i mosset. Ih, sikke et stort æg, tænkte hun. Hvor mon det kommer fra? Hun kiggede op og fik... Læs mere
I 2019 er det 100 år siden af Elsa Beskow: Tante Grøn, tante Brun og tante Lilla udkom på dansk. Du kender sikkert bogen om tante Grøn, tante... Læs mere
Christopher meets the garden folk -- gooseberry children, Mrs Bramley Apple, Mr Pear, Mrs Cabbage and many more -- and learns what happens when autumn comes. A collectable new edition of the classic Elsa Beskow picture book with a cloth spine.
A beautiful collection of twenty pull-out frameable prints featuring iconic vintage illustrations from Elsa Beskow's best-loved books.
A month-to-view calendar with space for writing in appointments, beautifully illustrated with seasonal artwork from Elsa Beskow's books. With eco-friendly printing and packaging.
Kelly and Kai are whisked off to a distant land with princesses, knights and trolls, when a mischievous gnome brings their play tree trunk to life as a dragon.
A mysterious orange egg has fallen into the woods. The elf who finds it has one of the best adventures she has ever had. Mini gift edition.
Rosalind's little deer is captured by a king and kept in a golden cage. Can the little girl persuade the king to let her friend go free? A collectable new edition of the classic Elsa Beskow picture book with a cloth spine.
This delightful autumn story charmingly describes the woodland adventures of two acorn children who get carried away by the blustery autumn wind. A collectable new edition of the classic Elsa Beskow picture book with a cloth spine.