Lær at heale dig selv ved at forstå og arbejde med de bagvedliggende mentale, følelsesmæssige og energetiske årsager til, at vi bliver syge. Negative overbevisninger og... Læs mere
Unveil the keys to understanding the underlying causes of common health issues and discover steps for immediate and hands-on relief.
Sjælens kompas er forfatteren og healeren Inna Segals inspirerende og praktiske bog om at udvikle sin intuition og få adgang til den skattekiste af visdom, vi alle hver især rummer i os... Læs mere
Bestselling healing author Inna Segal has created this healing oracle to help you face the pain and trauma you carry in your heart from past hurts.
Heal your body and discover your deepest purpose with this guide to integrating wellness and restorative solutions into your everyday life.
Transform your soul and heal your life.
Understanding Modern Spirituality explores many themes of life, death, soul and spirit and examines all the numerous old, outdated, ambiguous teachings that have dominated the new age industry.
Intuitive guidance to heal your soul