Rumi is the greatest mystic poet to have written in Persian, and the Masnavi, written in six books, is his masterpiece. It conveys a message of divine love in entertaining stories... Læs mere
Book Two of Rumi's Masnavi is concerned with the challenges facing the follower of Sufi enlightenment. It interweaves stories and homilies in order to instruct followers of Rumi,... Læs mere
Rumi is the greatest mystic poet to have written in Persian, and the Masnavi, written in six books, is his masterpiece. It conveys a message of divine love in entertaining stories and homilies. The focus of Book Four is with the mystical knowledge of the spiritual guide.
The first ever translation of the entirety of Book Five of Rumi's magnum opus, The Masnavi, into English. The Masnavi is well-known to contain much sexually explicit content within teaching stories about the path of annihilation of the self in a total and uncompromising way.
Jalal al-Din Rumi (1207-73), legendary Persian Muslim poet, theologian, and mystic, wrote poems acclaimed through the centuries for their spiritual images and provocative content,... Læs mere
This is the first ever verse translation into English of the entirety of Book Six of Rumi's Masnavi. Book Six is the longest of the books, focusing on self-annihilation in God and the oneness experienced at the end of the Sufi path by the realized mystic.