Kathy Hoopmanns bestseller om autisme i en ny og opdateret udgave.Med Alle katte er på autismespektret viser Kathy Hoopmann gennem sjove fotos af katte og tilhørende... Læs mere
An enjoyable and highly informative introduction to the world of Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA), accompanied by entertaining images of... Læs mere
Brand new update to the bestselling All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome, with all-new images of cats and updated language and terminology throughout. It provides a gentle,... Læs mere
»I den perfekte verden ville alle have et godt liv, og ingen ville være bange eller bekymrede. Men sandheden er, at vi ikke lever i en perfekt verden, og at alle oplever livet... Læs mere
Den perfekte værktøjskasse til alle lærere, der underviser elever med autisme. Både i grundskolen, på ungdomsuddannelserne eller på... Læs mere
All Birds Have Anxiety explores the symptoms of anxiety disorder and their impact on day-to-day life through colourful images of life as a bird. Its humorous yet gentle approach... Læs mere
Full of mystery and intrigue, this graphic novel version of Kathy Hoopmann's best-selling adventure follows Ben, a boy with Asperger syndrome... Læs mere
A quick reference guide to Asperger syndrome (ASD) in the classroom, Kathy Hoopmann's handbook is ideal... Læs mere
Following in the best-selling footsteps of Kathy Hoopmann's All Cats Have Asperger Syndrome and All Dogs Have ADHD, this book shows neurotypicals how Aspies experience the... Læs mere
This is a fun-filled fantasy story for children with a difference: the hero is Ben, a boy with Asperger Syndrome. When Ben and his friend Andy find an old bottle in the school yard, they little realize the surprises about to be unleashed in their lives.
Seb is a loner. Brilliant with numbers but hopeless with people, he prefers the company of computers and his only friend, Guzzle. Things change for the better when he makes some friends, and a new... Læs mere