Bøger af Oakie D. Williams

Oakie D. Williams Forfatter

Format : Alle Sprog : Alle Type : Alle

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  • PRIS
    977,- kr
    Levering: Print on Demand (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)

    (Bog, Hardback, Engelsk)

    Written by a Chief Information Officer who has gone through the outsourcing process with two different companies, this book identifies key elements that can be used to assess the feasibility of securing a successful, profitable, and manageable outsourcing agreement.

    977,- kr
    Levering: Print on Demand (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)
  • PRIS
    708,- kr
    Levering: Print on Demand (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)

    (Bog, Paperback / softback, Engelsk)

    Written by a Chief Information Officer who has gone through the outsourcing process with two different companies, this book identifies key elements that can be used to assess the feasibility of securing a successful, profitable, and manageable outsourcing agreement.

    708,- kr
    Levering: Print on Demand (forvent 14 - 30 hverdage)
Viser 1 - 2 af 2