Philip K. Dick's classic SF novel, which was adapted as the film BLADE RUNNER.
One of the very best must-read SF novels of all time.
Gives us a horrifying glimpse of an alternative world - one where the Allies have lost the Second World War.
Another classic novel from the world's greatest writer of science fiction
Classic science fiction from the master.
Published to celebrate the life and work of Philip K. Dick, the bestselling author of BLADE RUNNER and MINORITY REPORT, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death
A brilliant sci-fi novel from one of the last century's most influential pop culture figures.
Tie-in to new $80 million Spielberg blockbusterNew TV series from FOX premiered September 2015
Dreams, nightmares and realities: a classic by the author of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Philip K. Dick's classic SF novel, which was adapted as the film BLADE RUNNER.
”Ubik” er en kultklassiker inden for science fiction-litteraturen. I 2009 blev titlen udråbt af Time Magazine som en af de 100 bedste bøger, der er udkommet siden 1923.I en ikke så fjern fremtid... Læs mere
Philip K. Dick is the bestselling author of MINORITY REPORT and BLADE RUNNER.