Du er ikke en tilfældighed. Endnu før universet blev skabt, var du i Guds tanke. Han havde en perfekt plan for dit liv – en plan som rækker langt ud over... Læs mere
At studere bibelen 12 enkle trin-for-trin metoder til personlig tilegnelse og vækst: Andagt / Kapitelresumé / Karakteregenskab / Tematisk / Biografisk / Emneinddelt / Ordstudie /... Læs mere
'Det Målrettede Liv' tager dig med på en personlig 40-dages åndelig rejse, som kan forvandle dit svar på livets vigtigste spørgsmål: Hvad i alverden er... Læs mere
Introducing an expanded edition of the #1 international bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life now includes two bonus chapters. This spiritual journey... Læs mere
BIBELSTUDIEMETODER - 12 måder du kan Åbne Guds ord på 'Bibelstudiemetoder' af RIck Warren fører dig igennem 12 enkle trin-for-trin-metoder til... Læs mere
A companion journal that helps readers capture their progress as they go through The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life.
An evangelistic booklet based on The Purpose Driven Life.
Introducing an expanded edition of the #1 international bestseller, The Purpose Driven Life now includes two bonus chapters. This spiritual journey... Læs mere
Based on the #1 international bestseller The Purpose Driven Life, and with 775 Scriptures outlining each day of the 40 Days of Purpose, Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is a wonderful resource of encouragement.
In this 40-day devotional pastor Rick Warren illustrates God’s plan for us to fulfill his purposes in the context of community rather than being alone. Designed for use with the corresponding small group Bible study Participant Guide and DVD (both sold separately).
The Purpose of Christmas Study Guide is for use by groups and families with The Purpose of Christmas DVD, which features three sessions taught by Rick Warren on why we celebrate Christmas and how it can change our lives forever.
FOR DISTRIBUTION OUTSIDE THE USA. This is a five point strategy for attracting and spiritually maturing the unchurched, from the pastor of Saddleback Church.