Forfatterens fødeår: 1947
Som barn havde Robert T. Kiyosaki to fædre at se op til. Den ene var hans egen far, den anden var hans bedste vens far. Hans egen far var højtuddannet og hårdtarbejdende lønmodtager,... Læs mere
De fleste knokler for at tjene penge, men hvis du vil være rig, skal du lære, hvordan du skaber passiv indkomst. Forfatteren tager udgangspunkt i fire... Læs mere
The Rich Dad Classics BoxedSet contains three mass market titles from the Rich Dad Poor Dad series in one boxed set.
2017 marks 20 years since Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad first made waves in the Personal Finance arena. It has since become the #1 Personal Finance book of all time... translated... Læs mere
In a world where too many financial advisors do not follow their own advice, here is a book written by experts who practice what they... Læs mere
Som barn havde Robert T. Kiyosaki to fædre at se op til. Den ene var højtuddannet og hårdtarbejdende, men fattig. Den anden havde aldrig gjort skolen færdig, men blev alligevel rig.... Læs mere
Learn how the role you play in the business world affects your ability to become financially free. There are four types of people who... Læs mere
Best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad - the #1 personal finance book of all time - Robert Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. In FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets
Many of our global economic problems started in 1971...when President Richard Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard. Throughout history, when a government went off the gold standard, an age of turbulence began.