Under Hitler and Stalin the Nazi and Soviet regimes murdered fourteen million people in the bloodlands between Berlin and Moscow. The killing fields extended from central Polads to western Russia.
The past is another country, the old saying goes. The same might be said of the future. But which country? For Europeans and Americans today, the answer is... Læs mere
History does not repeat, but it does instruct. European history shows us that societies can break, democracies can fall, ethics can collapse, and... Læs mere
Bloodlands er historien om Hitlers og Stalins massemordspolitikker, som forklarer, hvorfor Ukraine har haft en central placering i Vestens historie igennem det seneste århundrede.... Læs mere
Den politiske orden i USA står i 2017 over for trusler, der minder om den totalitarisme, som i forskellige aftapninger prægede Europa i sidste århundrede. Der er grund til at være dybt... Læs mere
Under Hitler and Stalin the Nazi and Soviet regimes murdered fourteen million people in the bloodlands between Berlin and Moscow. The killing fields extended... Læs mere
”Hitlers verdensanskuelse førte ikke af sig selv til Holocaust, men dens skjulte sammenhænge frembragte nye former for destruktiv politik samt ny viden om den menneskelige evne til at begå... Læs mere
Ved Den Kolde Krigs afslutning vandt det liberale demokrati en total sejr – troede man. Autoritarismen er nu vendt tilbage. Først i Rusland, og gennem de seneste... Læs mere
LONGLISTED FOR THE 2015 SAMUEL JOHNSON PRIZE We have come to see the Holocaust as a factory of death, organised by bureaucrats.
A virus is not human, but the reaction to it is a measure of humanity. As he clung to life he found himself reflecting on the fragility of health, not recognized in America as a human right, but without which all rights and freedoms have no meaning.