Do Muslim Women Need Saving? is an indictment of a mindset that has justified all manner of foreign interference, including military invasion, in the name of rescuing women... Læs mere
Over 120 years after Oscar Wilde submitted The Picture of Dorian Gray for publication, the uncensored version of his novel appears here for the first time in a... Læs mere
Written by the Roman emperor for his own private guidance and self-admonition, the Meditations set forth principles for living a good and just life.... Læs mere
Deep Secrets reveals the false story we tell about boys, friendships, and human nature. Niobe Way argues that boys experience a “crisis of... Læs mere
Nearly all the works that Aristotle (384–322 BC) prepared for publication are lost; the priceless ones extant are lecture-materials, notes, and memoranda (some are spurious). Nicomachean Ethics is antiquity's most influential account of life's Supreme Good.
At a time when people are living into their tenth decade, the longest longitudinal study of human development ever undertaken offers welcome... Læs mere
Drawing on cognitive psychology and other fields, Make It Stick offers techniques for becoming more productive learners, and cautions against study habits... Læs mere
Everywhere we hear of decline, of a world that was better before the influence of modernity. While some lament Western culture’s slide into relativism and nihilism and others... Læs mere
Marcus Aurelius (AD 121–180), philosopher-emperor, wrote the Meditations (his title was “The matters addressed to himself”) in periods of solitude during military campaigns. His ethical,... Læs mere
Translation of the author's Le capital au XXIe siaecle.
Progymnasmata, exercises in the study of declamation, were the cornerstone of elite education from... Læs mere