Why not go beyond the tie for birthday presents for dad?
Simply fill out these diminutive volumes, and voila: they become personalized gifts to be read again and again
Simply fill in the blanks of this diminutive volume, and voila: it becomes a personalized gift your beloved will read again and again
Replenish your Personal Library Kit reserves with these helpful refills.
This little book contains fill-in-the-blank lines to describe why your best pal is the bomb.
Defuse conflicts and avert pouting
How to Traumatize Your Children has been revamped with all-new totally dysfunctional illustrations. This groundbreaking instructional volume teaches you how to give your children the lifelong gifts of mental and emotional damage.
Plan, track and execute household meals with this simple food planner.
Ordinary guest books too often lack humor and verve--so we invented our own. These elegant yet daringly interactive babies invite visitors to express themselves fully at the table or on the throne.