Skriveunderlag i størrelsen 44,3 x 70 cm med verdenskort i målestokken 1:60 mio.
The puzzle is presented in cylindrical box, decorated with an attractive design of a part of the map. The pleasure of learning the world in a playful way. An up-to-date cartography.... Læs mere
Lamineret politisk verdenskort leveret i rulle. Kortet måler 195 cm i bredden og 120 cm i højden.
Politisk planokort (vægkort) over Afrika i rulle. Kortet måler 101x121 cm og er i målestokken 1:8 mio.
Every island thrives on its clichés. The name Madeira stands for a heavy drop of wine which might have had its time a long time ago, yet is still praised by... Læs mere
Flat map of the world measures 84 x 59 cm. Glow in the Dark Map of the World details: As night falls see your world map come to life as the world is illuminated. Perfect for a... Læs mere
Plano vægkort trykt på papir i målestokken 1:11 millioner. Kortet måler 100x120 cm. Kortet leveres rullet.
Laminated flat map of Europe in the scale 1:4.3 mill. Size: Width 165 cm x hight 120 cm. Our politically coloured wall map of Europe features countries marked... Læs mere
Revised 2019. Size: 84 x 59 cm. Simply scratch off your visited destinations to reveal the beautifully styled, up-to-date map underneath. It's the perfect map or gift for the... Læs mere