A space cruiser, in search of its sister ship, encounters beings descended from self-replicating machines.
A fully updated and expanded edition of Don Norman's classic and influential work, which pioneered the application of cognitive science to design.
How consumer desire for sustainability is powering the first demand-driven, transformative megatrend and how business leaders can make the most of this important moment.
How we arrived in a post-truth era, when “alternative facts” replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence.
A guide to applying software design principles and coding practices to VHDL to improve the readability, maintainability, and quality of VHDL code.
The first complete account in English of the evolution of 'pataphysics from its French origins, with explications of key ideas and excerpts from primary sources, presented in reverse chronological order.
Concise lessons in design, drawing, the creative process, and presentation, from the basics of “How to Draw a Line” to the complexities of color theory.
Why sexuality is at the point of a “short circuit” between ontology and epistemology.
A comprehensive and self-contained introduction to Gaussian processes, which provide a principled, practical, probabilistic approach to learning in kernel machines.
A concise introduction to the emerging field of data science, explaining its evolution, relation to machine learning, current uses, data infrastructure issues, and ethical challenges.
Virilio and Lotringer revisit their prescient book on the invisible war waged by technology against humanity since World War II.
The idea of technological singularity, and what it would mean if ordinary human intelligence were enhanced or overtaken by artificial intelligence.