In this collection, a group of musical enthusiasts assess the international careers of great Welsh soloists in the context of the national musical tradition. These... Læs mere
'Modernism from the Margins' is an account of the 1930s writing of two of the most popular authors of the time. Locating... Læs mere
This volume covers the history of, and the prospects for, the United Nations. In particular, it explores the contributions made by Welshmen.
This book offers a broad historical survey of Welsh-language culture from sixth-century heroic poetry to television and pop culture in the early twenty-first century. The... Læs mere
An Indigo Summer is an absorbing mediation on art, rural life and roots, grief, creativity and the artistic process.
Cyfrol am hanes Cymry America yng nghanol y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg, trwy lygaid y wasg gyfnodol Gymraeg.
This is the first book on the office of the Welsh Language Commissioner, set in the context of the office of language commissioner internationally.
This volume examines one of the central political questions of the modern world - the uneasy and often violent relationship between the forces of nationalism and democracy. The focus is on the nation-states of Western Europe in the period 1850-1970.
Christoph Hein is widely regarded as one of the most important writers to emerge from the former GDR. This volume contains an interview with Hein, a previously unpublished prose piece by him, an up-to-date biography and critical articles which examine individual texts in detail.
Does the market promote its own intrinsic and selfish values, or does it merely reflect the values of society? This collection offers reports from all areas of... Læs mere
This text looks at the Ben Bowen phenomenon as a product both of his view of himself as a great poet and a Wales that fed that assumption. It traces his escape from a miner's life in the... Læs mere