Kissing and Chaos (Bog, Paperback, Engelsk) af Susanne Lykke

Kissing and Chaos (Bog, Paperback, Engelsk)

Af: Susanne Lykke

Nedsat pris! Kissing and Chaos

Forlag: Lykkedal Forlag

  • Type: Bog
  • Format: Paperback
  • Sprog: Engelsk Sprog: Engelsk
  • ISBN-13: 9788794300414
  • Udgave: 1. (23-10-2023)
  • Oplag: 1. (23-10-2023)
  • Første udgivelsesår: 2023
  • Originalsprog: Dansk
  • Sideantal: 104
  • Indbinding: Paperback
  • Mål og vægt: B: 152mm, H: 211mm, D: 10mm, Vægt: 171g

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Magnus moves to Denmark and is about to start in a new 7th grade. It's difficult to be the new kid in the classroom. Even on the first day, when he titlts a moped that belongs to one of the older boys, things go wrong. The hunt for Magnus is on.
Rumors fly in the town at the same time. Shops are plagued with break-ins, and the police have a disturbing find in the lake. Luckily, Magnus gets new friends along the way, and a string of adventues with a stray dog, a grumpy old man, and a really cool girl.

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