Northern Lights (Bog, Paperback, Engelsk) af Philip Pullman

Northern Lights (Bog, Paperback, Engelsk)

Af: Philip Pullman

Forlag: Scholastic

Serie: His Dark Materials (1)

  • Type: Bog
  • Format: Paperback
  • Sprog: Engelsk Sprog: Engelsk
  • ISBN-13: 9781407186108
  • Udgivelsesdato: 19-10-2017
  • Oplagsdato: 19-10-2017
  • Sideantal: 448
  • Indbinding: Paperback

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The first volume in Philip Pullman's groundbreaking His Dark Materials trilogy, now a thrilling, critically acclaimed BBC/HBO television series. First published in 1995, and acclaimed as a modern masterpiece, this first book in the series, which has also been published under the title "The Golden Compass", won the UK's top awards for children's literature. - Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world ... This edition has a beautiful cover from celebrated artist, Chris Wormell.

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