Rome and the Black Sea Region: Domination, romanisation, resistance (Ebog, epub, Engelsk) af n a

Rome and the Black Sea Region: Domination, romanisation, resistance (Ebog, epub, Engelsk)

Af: n a

Forlag: Aarhus Universitetsforlag

  • Type: Ebog
  • Format: epub
  • Sprog: Engelsk Sprog: Engelsk
  • ISBN-13: 9788771246902
  • Udgave: 1
  • Udgivelsesdato: 01-01-2006
  • Fagredaktør: Tønnes Bekker-Nielsen
  • Sideantal: 183 Sider
  • Filtype: epub
  • Filversion: 2.0
  • Filformat: Reflowable
  • Filstørrelse: 5409 KB
  • Kopibeskyttelse: DigitalVandmaerkning
  • Datamining: Ikke tilladt
155,- kr
Levering: Straks (Leveres på e-mail)

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At the height of the Empire, Roman control extended over two-thirds of the Pontic shoreline. The advent of Rome brought immediate changes in administration, taxation and power relations.

Over time other less tangible, but no less important changes in lifestyle, modes of thought, self-perception and consumption patterns followed.

This volume traces the cultural impact of Rome on its Pontic dominions, as well as the reactions of the indigenous population.

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