In November 2013, former soldier Levison Wood embarked on one of the last great explorations; to walk the Nile from source delta. Here is his story...
Agatha Christie's most exotic murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover to tie in with the highly anticipated 2020 film adaptation. The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile... Læs mere
Hvilket sted i verden vil du gerne besøge? Oplev dyrelivet på de forskellige kontinenter! Læs om de største og mindste byer, og tjek din viden med quizzen! Besøg berømte... Læs mere
En milepæl i den politiske og historiske reportage. Die Welt Forfatteren begynder sin levende beretning i 1850 erne og giver et uafrysteligt indblik i slavehandelen og gummiproduktionen i... Læs mere
Visionary in scale, and the first contemporary novel in over a decade from number one worldwide bestseller Ken Follett, Never imagines a scenario we all hope never comes true: the imminent threat of World War Three . . .
Visionary in scale, and the first contemporary novel in over a decade from number one worldwide bestseller Ken Follett, Never imagines a scenario we all hope never comes true: the imminent threat of World War Three . . .
Agatha Christie's most exotic murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers.
Agatha Christie’s most exotic murder mystery in a sumptuous hardback Special Edition.
Agatha Christie’s masterpiece, and the best-selling murder mystery book of all time, celebrates its 80th birthday with this gorgeous hardback Special Edition.
Paperback edition of classic story of modern adventuring
The gripping true story of the French Foreign Legion in the Sahara.