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Northern Africa is dominated now by the Sahara Desert, stretching across the continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea. This... Læs mere
Visionary in scale, and the first contemporary novel in over a decade from number one worldwide bestseller Ken Follett, Never imagines a scenario we all hope never comes true: the imminent threat of World War Three . . .
Visionary in scale, and the first contemporary novel in over a decade from number one worldwide bestseller Ken Follett, Never imagines a scenario we all hope never comes true: the imminent threat of World War Three . . .
The gripping true story of the French Foreign Legion in the Sahara.
6. udgave maj 2014. 352 sider, heraf 16 sider med farvefotos og 58 detailkort. Dette er den optimale guide hvis du planlægger at krydse Afrika i... Læs mere
Este audiolibro está narrado en castellano. Hay besos con una magia capaz de transformar por completo la existencia de aquellas personas que los reciben. Durante su visita a un... Læs mere
Based on long-term research in an area long closed to researchers, this book provides an internal account of trans-border... Læs mere
Collects papers that focus on the dynamics of the Central Sahara. This... Læs mere
From the bestselling author of The Robin, The Wren and The Twelve Birds of Christmas.
Through in-depth examinations of a range of technologies, this book demonstrates that the ancient and Medieval Sahara was as much a connective tissue... Læs mere
Major Bigglesworth anländer till Sahara med sin grupp av specialtränade elitpiloter för att åta sig ett mycket farligt och ytterst hemligt uppdrag. Den livsviktiga transportvägen över... Læs mere