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FACTFULNESS handler om verden, og hvordan vi kan blive bedre til at forstå den, som den virkelig er. Når man stiller folk simple spørgsmål om... Læs mere
The unforgettable, inspiring, New York Times bestselling debut, shortlisted for the 2020 Desmond Elliott prize.
A beautiful, gritty and poignant account of one mother's journey from cleaning houses to finding a home for herself and her daughter.
A landmark debut from a Pulitzer-winning New Yorker journalist: if Dickens were alive today, this is the book he might have written about India
George Orwell’s famous account of his own experience living in poverty in Paris then London. With an introduction by Lara Feigel.
An angry account of working-class life in the 1930s and a call to embrace social equality. With an introduction by Amelia Gentleman.
Skal vi tage et globalt ansvar for klimaet og kloden, skal vi spise lokale råvarer. Retro-mad er en bog med retter fra 1920'erne og frem til 1980'erne. Især mange er spareretter, som er... Læs mere
An original and unforgettable coming-of-age novel from a formidable new talent, taking the reader inside the brilliant, fizzing mind of a teenage girl with ADHD as she navigates family and opportunity in post-industrial Scotland