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Corporate Governance and Board Decisions takes the reader on an exciting journey through the principles and practice of corporate governance. Written by two... Læs mere
Organisation, innovation og supply chain management er en praksisorienteret lærebog, der giver læseren en forståelse for, hvordan værdiskabelsen i... Læs mere
I GURUBOGEN har 100 af verdens førende iværksættere og ledere ordet. De skriver jordnært og uhøjtideligt om innovation,... Læs mere
Corporate Governance and Board Decisions takes the reader on an exciting journey through the principles and practice of corporate governance. Written by two... Læs mere
With a focus on value creation, the text takes readers through project management from start to finish.
Power Query is the amazing new data cleansing tool in both Excel and Power BI Desktop.
Emphasizing practical understanding over the technicalities of specific algorithms, this elegant textbook teaches students how to recognize, simplify, model and solve optimization... Læs mere
This compact and highly readable book presents a general class of stochastic network models to develop a fluid-based method for stability analysis. Geared... Læs mere
This comprehensive, multi-disciplinary volume clearly defines the importance of organizational project management and its role in the organization.... Læs mere
This study is the first of its kind in India based on a sample of about seventy venture capital firms that cover about 85% of the funded deals... Læs mere